Hopefully this will help answer any question I can think of. If you have asked me about shooting and you get sent this link it is because I dont like playing 20 questions over as many days. I may modify this as needed with information that will be important to you as a model. Updated 02Feb2022
Q) Who is Logan Grey?
A) Logan Grey is a brand name only. The name was to have been my daughter’s IF she had been born a boy. Since she aint using it, I thought I would!
Q) Why Logan Grey? Why not use your real name?
A) There is a really long story behind it but I feel everyone knows it already so I removed it from this site.
BTW- Real name is Kenny. Yes, I am male
Q) How long have you been a photographer?
A) I started in Feb 2006 a couple of years after my divorce so at this writing... 18 years
Q) What equipment do you use?
A) I started with Minolta when I was using film in the early 90s. When I went digital in 06 I stayed with them. When Sony bought them out, I switched to Sony and currently use the following:
Sony a77ii body (several)
Sony Alpha Zeiss Vario-Sonnar T* 24-70mm ZA, f/2.8 (my go to lens)
Sony 50mm 1.8 lens
Sony 85mm 2.8 lens
Sony 18-55 mm 3.5-5.6 lens
Sony 55-200mm 4.5-5.6 lens
Sony 28-75mm 2.8 lens
Sony 18-200mm 3.5-5.6 lens x2
Godox TT560 flashes (several)
Q) Do you have a studio?
A) I am currently taking a break from doing studio shoots until further notice. When I do have a project that requires on, I will rent Studio Space Arlington.
Q) What if I prefer the studio over location?
A) Due to past experiences of too many models having excuses (legit or not) for not being able to make her shoot and the cost of renting the studio... We will do something on location first and if everything clicks, we can discuss a studio project for another time.
Q) What are your rates?
A) When I apply them, they can vary based upon the shoot location
Q) Meaning?
A) 95% of what I shoot is TFP (Trade for Pics) with models. This is my creative outlet. I generally only quote rates for shoots that are wanted by those who cannot/do not/will not shoot what I normally shoot
Q) Can you explain your TFP more?
A) When I shoot TFP I allow the model usage rights to the images. She gets to keep any wardrobe I supply minus accessories. She will get a copy of the full shoot. ZERO money exchanges hands.
Q) Are you open to doing a model's idea for TFP?
A) Yes I am. TFP is a two way street. Its not always 50/50 but everyone tries to get close. If a model has a concept that can be shot in conjunction with mine (makeup/location and so forth) then we can do that one at the same time. If it doesnt, then we can book a separate date in the near future or at her convenience to concentrate solely on her idea.
Q) Why do you give away the wardrobe?
A) I only shoot clothing once. It gets boring shooting the same garments over and over and over. I do have certain looks I always shop for and usually find items all the time to fit these needs. Besides, I have no desire to launder anything. I dont care to do my own laundry so I sure as hell dont wanna wash this stuff all the time!
Q) Where can I see what you have to shoot in?
A) I have moved all images of my wardrobe thats currently not in storage here
Q) What do you normally shoot?
A) Art, Glamour, Lifestyle images that are based upon clothing I find or inspiration based upon things I see in print, commercials, tv, movies and so forth. Something I wanna do as I see them. Clothing is usually sheer or can be if shot wet. Much of what I shoot is topless/nude (implied nude does happen but not the goal except to have images I can post on social media)
Q) Where do you shoot?
A) Mostly at Joe Pool Lake. Either Cedar Hill State Park (I have an annual pass that also gets me into any Texas State Park) or Lynn Creek Park (I have free access there as well) and several other local to Grand Prairie parks, woods, creeks and such. I will pretty much shoot anywhere in DFW pending the outfits to be shot and or the concept or content.
Q) How do you shoot nudes in public?
A) I’m not stupid about the matter! I always know my surroundings and what the risks are if any of anyone coming up on the set. I dont mind taking some risks but I keep them at a bare minimum. If I feel there is too much of a risk, we go somewhere else to shoot. Had to do that on a few occasions
Q) Do you require nudes in order to shoot TFP?
A) Yes and No. It depends upon the model. As much as I believe this to be hypocritical on my part, its also a reality. I generally throw my ideas out there in a net and then see who will reply to shoot them. If they are nude concepts, then there are no issues with someone who cant shoot them replying unless they didnt bother to read the whole thing. If a model comes to me looking to shoot and she cant/dont/wont shoot anything I have on the table, then she needs to be able to bring something besides her body to the shoot. Mainly, skills, talent and experience. If she doesnt have those, then I’m basically shooting for free. She will not be shooting anything any better than I can get from someone who can/will shoot my ideas as they were meant to be. So in those cases, I will quote rates. When I do make exceptions, its based solely on the fact that I like her look.
Q) Has every model you shot done nudes?
A) Since the conception of Logan Grey, there have been just over a dozen models who have not shot topless/nude or in sheer clothing who were at least the age of 18 and that out of a rough guess of about 260 models. In all of these cases I shot them simply because I liked their look and/or they brought some degree of skill to the shoot OR I did a blind casting call for something I was looking to test out and just needed a live body
Q) Is it true you do not allow undergarments on your model shoots? Why?
A) Yes it is true. I've had too many images ruined due to bra straps and panty lines in my early years. All clothing goes home with the model so it has not been shot before. I do not like lines from undergarments to be seen through the clothing. Unless they are a part of the look, we dont need them. For those who are concerned with her modesty or have inhibitions or any other situation that she cannot shoot a project or garment as I have envisioned, then lets be honest, unless I'm just wanting to do a test shoot, I'm probably not the right photographer for her.
Q) How do I book a TFP shoot with you?
A) See that Booking tab at the top of the page? You start there! Currently, my Casting Calls are the only TFP being offered. I need to get these projects done
Q) Do I HAVE to fill out out the whole questionnaire?
A) You do if you want to get to your shoot booked! If a model cant put forth the effort to do so, I have no use for her. I spent years learning my craft and still at it. I spent too much money on equipment, props, studios and clothing to have someone to just expect she should be exempt cause she's too damn lazy or thinks she's too damn good to do as everyone before her has done. (statements like these are what makes people think I'm an ass! All I'm doing is being honest and saying what many are thinking) Besides, if you leave blanks, it wont allow you to proceed.
Q) Do you require experience?
A) No. Most of the models I shoot are just starting out
Q) Will you shoot anyone who wants to model?
A) Yes. Just not everyone qualifies for TFP
Q) Who qualifies and who dont?
A) To qualify you must be female. I dont buy clothing for males. Need to be in good shape, Height/Weight proportionate, Bust/Waist/Hip proportionate, photogenic, able to leave the inhibitions at home, have great communication skills, can follow directions and conduct yourself in a professional manner. I must have all of your info and images AS REQUESTED on my Booking page. I must have some sense from you that tells me you want to do this, it is of some importance, not something that you will take lightly.
Who dont- Anyone who doesnt fit the above.
Q) Do you shoot “plus size” models?
A) First off, I dont like the terms “plus size” or “alternative” or any other term that puts someone in the model category just so they dont get discriminated against? Either you’re a model or you’re not (this includes aspiring). Period. Secondly, are we talking “plus size” as it pertains to fashion standards or is it someone who cant tells the difference between curves and rolls and wants to model (or just get free pics) without putting in the work to get into a figure to where they dont have to rely on being “plus size”?
Note: Everyone who takes the time to PROPERLY fill out the info form will be considered. I honestly do try to find SOMETHING about the potential model I can use. If they're thicker than I normally shoot or have that "mommy tummy" but overall in good shape and in good proportion then they have a shot.
Take a good look at Liz, the model you see plastered all over my site, she is NOT skinny. She is thicker on hips and thighs and (was) small busted. So why does she qualify? She is in shape. She has a flat tummy even when she is in her "fluffy" stage. Also, even though she does still require direction here and there, she takes BEAUTIFUL photos. She is one of the few that I do go out of my way for to buy sizes I would normally would not.
Q) I've seen your Casting Call posts in groups and left comments but never heard anything back. Is there a reason for it?
A) Yes there is! What did the post say? "New to me models go to my website for booking". I always leave something in my posts as to how I wish to be contacted about any availability or casting call and its NEVER by leaving a comment of any kind. The way I see it is this... Model didnt read the post, Model ignored the instructions, Model feels she is above the request and can do as she wants. In any case, I have no use of her.
Contact instructions are left for a reason by whoever makes a post and no matter who it is, that request should be honored. If that is too much trouble, find a new hobby.
Q) Dont you think thats kinda harsh?
A) I’m blunt. I dont sugar coat. I dont believe in being “politically correct” in order to keep a few feelings from being hurt. This is not an industry that everyone can participate in and succeed or excel. There are no participation trophies or ribbons. You have to show up with a thick skin or stay home. Trust me, if you cant handle unwanted or unsolicited critiques, you need a new hobby.
Q) Why do you keep referring to modeling as a hobby?
A) Because it is. Just as photography is a hobby or bowling or playing an instrument. Before it can become your profession, you have to pay your dues, put in the time and work. Even THEN there are no guarantees that it will be your bill paying job you retire from when its time and actually RETIRE, not just move on to something else to pay your bills.
Q) Where do you post your images?
A) Facebook:
Primary profile: https://www.facebook.com/logangreyphotog
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/LoganGreyPhotography/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/logangreyphotography
Website: www.logangreyphotography.com
Tumblr: https://logan-greys-photography.tumblr.com/
Twitter: @logangreyphotog
BentBox: www.bentbox.co/logangrey
Patreon: www.patreon.com/logangrey
I also submit selected sets for publication consideration but this is very rare any more
Q) What is Patreon?
A) Patreon is a website designed for artists of all genres that allows their fans to show monetary support by way of monthly pledges. With pledges of different amounts, these Patrons gain access to different rewards supplied by the artist. Everyone does theirs to what best suits them and their fans. I use mine to fund my photography. It pays for the wardrobe and accessories and studio time and for the occasional traveling model I will work deals with cause I know they have expenses and if they dont come to my area, I would not have the opportunity to shoot with them. This is where I post my nude content. Because it funds everything used in my shoots, unless otherwise told so, you can expect that your images could be posted here. Do not expect to do a free shoot, collect some wardrobe and I cannot use the images in the manner for which they were intended.
BentBox is similar but uses a different format
Q) Does this mean you’re selling images for a profit?
A) No. I allow my Patrons access to images that in the past I would normally post on Tumblr (Tumblr is no longer allowing nude content so Twitter would be the next site to have these posted). They are not buying anything. Images are not to be shared or reposted anywhere on the net. Yes I do collect funds but as stated before, those funds are used solely for the purpose of my craft. They do not pay my bills. As I have stated many times, if enough models I have shot wish me to close the profiles down, I will and the following will happen: All images that had a limited audience will now be made open to the general public and I will start charging for my shoots in order to keep the closet as full as possible. Models who want studio sets will pay the studio fees. No more TFP except with a very select few. To those who pay my rates, we shoot what they want
Q) Are models allowed to profit from the shoot?
A) Of course! If a model wishes to sell prints/posters or digital packages to her fans, she is more than welcome to! I dont ask for any of her funds. The only exception is is she wants to do a private/exclusive shoot for her own profit. Then I'll either quote her a rate or ask for a percentage and I will not use any of the images
Q) Do you shoot minors?
A) Yes but RARELY. I shoot nudes, topless and sheer clothing. They cant. Just as with models who are over 18 and are unable to, these shoots I'm unable to use. I can post them on social media but thats about it. Since I provide all wardrobe, they actually end up costing me money unless they are a client.
Q) If I’m new to all of this, do you have any advice?
A) Yes. I have a whole page on here with it
Q) Why do you have models sign a release?
A) I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have never taken an image that will make of break me. There have been times in the past where a model decides to go a different path and her job will not allow her to have nudes online. They have come at me two ways:
1) You need to remove my nudes from your pages! I never signed anything that says you can post them (knowing full well I was going to do so). If you dont I’m gonna take you to court!
2) Hey! I’m getting a new job at this daycare/teaching (or wherever) and I need you to please remove my nudes. I know I said you could post them but they could keep me from getting this job.
With those who come at me like the first model, I tend to forget passwords for a while til they decide to change their attitude. Dont need a release to post them. Its usually due to a new boyfriend. They can both pretty much kiss my ass til I’m asked nicely. If they dont like them posted privately on Patreon, I’ll post them publicly on Twitter. I dont deal with attitudes! Legally, I dont need a release to post them. I own them and the copyright. I can give them (RAW images and copyright) away to a third party without ever consulting the model and they can do with them as they wish. Release or no release.
With the second one, I do locate all I have of them and remove as soon as I am able. I also have them look for any I may have missed.
With a release, the model gets an understanding of her rights to the images and is acknowledging that I do own the copyright. No it is not shared.
Q) We do a shoot. I signed a release. We shot nudes. I change my mind before anything is posted and would prefer to keep the nudes off the net. What happens then?
A) I keep them off the net BUT its gonna cost ya. I’ll treat it as I would with any client. We’ll figure out what can and cannot be posted and I’ll figure out a (more than) fair price to cover the cost of the wardrobe you shot and some of my time. This keeps us in good standing with each other. You dont follow through, and I may not either. There have been a few cases to where this has happened and its usually discussed before hand. A couple of times it came up after the shoot.
Q) We book a shoot and I have to cancel due to something I have no control over. Can we reschedule?
A) That depends. What was the situation? How much notice did I get? How long after you found out, did you inform me?
I dont always need to know details. I understand life gets in the way of us all. It just happens. Generally I have a One Strike Policy. This generally ensures that when a model cant make it that something so important came up it requires her attention during that time frame we had booked and she cant do it at any other time. Cause if its just some bullshit like her “ride” flaked who she assured wouldnt, then it may be a while before I allow her to reschedule.
So this is usually handled on a case by case
Q) What rights do I have as a model to the images?
A) I'm pretty liberal with model's usage rights. I pretty much dont care what you do with them. Post them on social media, online portfolio, print them out for your book. If you have your own Patreon profile or a website and you want to sell copies (digital or print) I dont care. Go for it. Just let me know what you need in HiRes and I'll get you those files for prints. Any monies made are yours.
If you want to do an exclusive shoot for like a calendar or prints/posters that only YOU can profit from then we'll discuss my rates for this shoot and I'll expect to be paid at the time of the shoot.
This should cover the majority of what I get asked. If I see others popping up, I will add those as well